Em uma entrevista sobre sua série, Continuum, o Victor Webster, que interpretou o Josh em Castle, falou sobre sua participação na série.
Veja o trecho:
Q: You were recently on a four-episode arc of Castle not too long ago, and how did you enjoy working with Nathan Fillion and the rest of the cast of Castle?
Nathan is like a big kid, you can see a reflection of that in his character as well. He’s very playful, and that just comes from Nathan. You know, that’s just inherent in him as a person. He’s always joking around, he’s really smart, he’s quick witted, I had a great time with him, just enjoyed him as a person and that whole set and cast and crew. Stana (Katic) was really interesting, really smart girl, she was reading comic books on set, which is something you would never guess about her. We had really great chemistry on and off set, she’s a really smart, beautiful woman, really talented on the show and their chemistry is so great.
I can understand when people ask what’s going to happen between Carlos and Kiera, because you get that same thing with Nathan’s character in Castle with Stana. The Beckett-Castle relationship is something that they’ve really developed. Now, you can see that there’s possibly something going on or them leading towards between our characters, but with our writing staff and Simon, you never know what’s going to happen. They could lead you in a direction and all of a sudden throw a curve ball at you, so just wait and see what happens with that whole situation.
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A Stana lendo revista em quadrinhos KKK... Gente essa mulher é um máximo.
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